
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

It's the end of the world as we know it

The stream of consciousness 1987 REM song is a favorite of mine when I preach apocalyptic texts. When I put it into a sermon, I can even get the GenXers singing along. But what happens when the apocalypse is really happening? Will you "feel fine" with the "end of the world as we know it?"

I confess I don't feel very fine right now. There are folks in the evangelical/literalist branch of Christianity who would judge me for this and tell me it's because my faith is weak and it's all in God's plan and then spew some gnostic Rapture heresy at me. Bless their hearts.

No, I don't feel fine because I take the scriptures more seriously than this and I have read and deeply studied the WHOLE book of Revelation which includes two more chapters that evangelicals simply ignore. They stop with the Battle of Armageddon and the defeat of Satan and ignore the next two chapters about the "new heaven" and "new earth" coming towards us and how this earth will be resurrected in a new form.

"What??!!" you ask, "Wait, you mean this earth matters to God??!!"

Well, in short, Revelation says an "YES!" and might even add a "Duh!" for extra emphasis.

This week Greta Thunberg, a remarkable 16 year-old who has been striking from school over the issue of climate change since last year, has been here in America. Greta is on the autism spectrum so she has some behavior quirks that the climate deniers latched onto in order to attempt to discredit her. This was her response:

This young woman shook the pillars of the United Nations with her speech to the climate summit:

And she is right. She should not have to be doing this! We are failing our children. We are failing them because of bad theology, willful stupidity, and corporate greed.

As sentient beings, our sacred texts tell us that we are made in the image of God - the ultimate Sentient Being. Science is telling us the truth about what is happening to our only home. Scientists are using their God-given sentience and intelligence as prophetic witnesses of our greed, our pride and our selfishness. Science is not in opposition to God's will - our greed, pride, and selfishness are the sins which oppose God's will!

Evangelicals who gleefully hope for a destruction of this earth are preaching heresy and are putting God to the test by their recklessness. We are commanded not to test God (Deuteronomy 6:16) and testing God by trashing the earth in hopes you can force the Second Coming is horrible theology. Remember, John 3:16 actually says "For God so love the cosmos" - the whole of God's creation was loved and is why Jesus came so the whole of creation may have eternal life beginning right here and now.

We are partners in defeating the evil we face. God will not magically fix this for us and scripture tells us God's will is for a new heaven and new earth to come to us - it's not a magic "escape plan" for a select few. The evil of sinful greed has been fed by an unsustainable model of capitalistic extraction technologies. It can be redeemed but only if we repent - turn around and seek another way which follows God's will for all to have abundant life. This will require sacrifice. It will not be easy but the alternative won't be easy either.

The earth can and will press the "reset" button on our stupidity. It comes through mass extinction. I don't want to face my children, or anyone's children for that matter, and say, "Well, we didn't do anything about this and it's your problem now." I cannot face anyone and candy-coat this with some story about how believers will be saved from the hellish nightmare of global collapse because it's crappy theology and just not true. The Bible has many stories of how God let the chosen people live with the consequences of their actions to the point of suffering and death.

Jesus followers, it's time we stand up against forces which are killing our planet. Every single one of us has the capacity to act in our own sphere of influence. Yesterday was the first day of Autumn and it was 92 degrees in Ellicott City, Maryland. This is not normal and the time has passed for "business as usual." The "end of the world as we know it" is here, but it does not have to conclude with the destruction of the earth - the greatest gift our God has given us.