I had a great trip to Devon PA last week for the Interim Ministry Network's Fundamentals of Transitional Ministry course. It was a three-day course, so I was up in the Pennsylvania Dutch country for a bit.
I had pass through this area in 1986 when the main east-west route (Route 30) was not much more than a two lane road. It still is in spots, but the closer you get to Philly, the more like a freeway it gets. As I approached Lancaster, the heart of Amish country, I found myself on a six-lane freeway buzzing along at 55 mph ... much too fast for horse drawn buggies!
But just east of Lancaster, Route 30 went back to being a four lane country road, albeit dotted with the big box stores and name brand restaurants that are generally ubiquitous but were unknown in the region 20+ years ago.
At one point, the line of traffic veered just a little to the left to get around a horse drawn Amish buggy replete with flashing lights and red reflective triangle on the back of it. Just as I came upon the 19th century carriage and overtook it ... in front of a Chili's restaurant! If only I had my camera ...
The Shippensburg K-Mart, circa 1982, had a hitching post at the far end of the parking lot, and it was often occupied by at least one horse and buggy. I assume the newest store employee was the one given the shovel every night at closing time.